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Commercial Law

Our team will help you to navigate the complex nature of commercial law.

Property Law

At Walkers Inc. our property law services in South Africa help protect your property rights and the enjoyment of those rights by providing exceptional legal representation.


Our litigation dispute and resolution South Africa lawyers employ best practices and strategies for each phase of your legal journey - your success is our priority.

Deceased Estates and Trusts

Our team understand that losing a loved one can be difficult and planning for the future can be complex. That is why we take care of all the legal necessities so that you can focus on your family and your future.

Walkers works for you

The Walkers Journey

Established in the heart of South Africa, we are a mid-sized firm that provides expert legal advice, solutions and services to local and international clients. We practice law as a vocation and have a proficient team of attorneys, conveyancers and notaries - who have built their careers on integrity, adept general skills and niche specialities.

Learn how we can help you

Explore Our Legal Services

At Walkers. we work towards result-driven solutions for a number of legal complexities. We also prioritise getting to know our clients, guaranteeing confidentiality and a high degree of professionalism.

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Whether it’s capital gains tax, dividends withholding tax, or donations tax – we provide on legal solutions for a wide range of tax services.

businessman signing partnership contract at meetin 2021 09 04 08 15 42 utcasd


We provide expert legal assistance with financing arrangements, bond cancelation, and registration of new bonds.

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We offer specialized legal support around arbitration proceedings, debt collections, and alternative dispute resolutions.

businessman signing partnership contract at meetin 2021 09 04 08 15 42 utc33


We provide experienced legal services related to curatorships, such as preparing applications for the appointment of curator bonis / ad personam, drafting annual accounts and submissions of tax returns.



Gunnar Dahl

Gunnar Dahl

Chairman / Director

Gunnar has had a 37-year long journey at Walkers. He was appointed as an Articled Clerk in 1985, admitted as an Attorney in 1987 and was appointed as a Partner in 1999. Gunnar also speaks German fluently and advises German-speaking clients on South African Law.

Taryn Herbert

Taryn Herbert


Taryn is an admitted Notary Public and has been with Walkers for 11 years. In 2011, she began as a Candidate Attorney. In 2012, she was admitted as an Attorney and in the same year, appointed as an Associate. Taryn became a Partner in 2016.

Amien Hoosain

Amien Hoosain


Amien began his career at Walkers in 2004 and was admitted as an Attorney in 2006. He was then appointed as a Partner in 2008.



At Walkers. we commit to keeping our focus both personal and professional because we believe that Walkers works for you.



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Andrea Mendonça


Andrea was admitted as an Attorney and Conveyancer in 2006 and practised law in Grahamstown, EC. In the same year she moved to a Cape Town firm as a Junior Conveyancer. In 2008, she decided to focus on her family and other business ventures. In June 2021 she returned to law and joined Walkers’ conveyancing team in July 2024 as an Associate.


  • Property Law, Conveyancing


  • BA LLB – Rhodes University

Deaviah Moodley

Candidate Attorney

Deaviah started as a Candidate Attorney at Walkers in 2024


  • LLB, University of Cape Town

Sisanga Sogaise

Candidate Attorney

Sisanga started as a Candidate Attorney at Walkers in 2023


  •  LLB, University of the Western Cape

Aviwe Singama

Candidate Attorney

Aviwe started as a Candidate Attorney at Walkers in 2023


  • LLB, University of the Western Cape


  • Analysis of the suitability of current trust and other arrangements
  • Assessment of the factual matrix of a client’s financial and other priorities and requirements
  • Asset protection
  • Comprehensive management of trusts (inter vivos and testamentary), including accounting, all administration, annual financial statements, and tax returns and SARS queries.
  • Coordination of other professionals, such as accountants and investment managers, regarding trusts
  • Drafting of trust deeds
  • Registration of trust deeds and liaising with the Master of the High Court
  • In depth knowledge of trust law
  • Structuring of commercial and investment trusts (also refer to Commercial and Corporate Law and to Financial Services Law)
  • Tax advice (also refer to Tax Law and Planning)
  • Trust litigation (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution )

Estate Planning

  • Analysis of the suitability of current testamentary and other arrangements
  • Assessment of the factual matrix of a client’s family and financial priorities and requirements
  • Asset protection
  • Coordination of other professionals, such as accountants and investment managers, regarding estate planning
  • Design of key estate planning proposals to achieve a client’s requirements
  • Drafting of agreements and other documents for estate plans, including cessions, deeds of donation, deeds of sale, trust deeds, wills, and other documents
  • Emigration and asset migration
  • Estate duty
  • Estate planning: domestic and international
  • Exchange Control
  • Implementation of estate plans
  • Tax advice (also refer to Tax Law and Planning)

Deceased Estate Administration

  • Acting as agents for executors of deceased estates
  • Acting as executors of deceased estates
  • Deceased estate litigation (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution )
  • Distribution of assets to heirs and legatees, locally and abroad
  • Interpretation of wills
  • Liquidation and distribution accounts
  • Lodging of tax returns
  • Negotiations for and with banks and other financial institutions (locally and abroad), executors, SARS, and others
  • Preparation and lodgment of reporting documents to the Master of the High Court
  • Tax advice, including estate duty and CGT (also refer to Tax Law and Planning)
  • Transfer of immovable property (also refer to Conveyancing)
  • Valuations of assets


  • Preparing applications for the appointment of curator bonis / ad personam
  • Submisson of documents to have curator appointed
  • Administration of all aspects relating to curatorships
  • Drafting of annual accounts, dealing with Master’s queries and submission of tax returns

Litigation and Dispute Resolution

  • Alternative dispute resolution, including mediation
  • Appearances in all courts, special courts, and tribunals
  • Arbitration proceedings
  • Construction disputes
  • Debt collections, including arrear rental
  • Litigation and other appearances and opinion work involving administrative law, banking and finance law, commercial and corporate law, competition law, constitutional law, consumer protection law, conveyancing, deceased estates, employment, environmental matters, family and matrimonial law, financial services law, insolvency law and business rescue proceedings, insurance law, property, tax, and trusts
  • Strategic advice on litigation and dispute resolution

Family and Matrimonial Law

  • Acting as curators
  • Advice on matrimonial property regimes
  • Divorces (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution)
  • Domestic partnerships
  • Drafting of antenuptial contracts (also refer to Notarial Practice)
  • Guardianship and custody of minor children
  • Maintenance (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution)
  • Parental responsibilities and rights in respect of minor children
  • Rights of minor children
  • Rights of the elderly
  • Variation of matrimonial property regimes

Property Law

  • Conveyancing 
  • Development schemes and site establishment
  • Drafting, negotiation, and structuring of purchase and sale agreements and ancillary agreements
  • Drafting, negotiating, and structuring lease agreements and specialist agreements, such as cellphone mast leases, solar farm leases, and ancillary agreements
  • Due diligence investigations
  • Group restructuring and rationalisation (also refer to Corporate and Commercial)
  • Opening sectional title registers (also refer to Notarial Practice)
  • Property development, project management, and construction agreements
  • Property finance, including corporate, mortgage and structured and finance (also refer to Corporate and Commercial)
  • Property joint ventures
  • Property litigation (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution)
  • Property management, asset management, and agency agreements
  • Servitudes (also refer to Notarial Practice)
  • Tax advice, including CGT, income tax, and transfer duty (also refer to Tax Law and Planning)

Notarial Practice

  • Authentication of documents, including Apostile
  • Cancellation of conditions in deeds of transfer
  • Creation and registration of all servitudes
  • Notarial bonds over movable assets
  • Notarial cessions, deeds of lease, and other agreements
  • Notarial tie of properties
  • Habitatio (the right to occupy a building)
  • Praedial (property-related) servitudes
  • Usufruct (the rights to the use and enjoyment of an asset, and to the gains from the asset)
  • Usus (the rights to the use and enjoyment of an asset, but not the gains from the asset)
  • Rights of way
  • Sectional title schemes (exclusive use areas and other matters)
  • Tax advice, including CGT, donations tax, and transfer duty (also refer to Tax Law and Planning)
  • Drafting and execution of ante-nuptial contracts


  • Assistance with financing arrangements
  • Bond cancellation and registration of new bonds
  • Conveyancing litigation (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution)
  • Drafting of and negotiation of deeds of sale and other immovable property related agreements
  • Foreign ownership of real estate
  • Personal servitudes – (habitatio, e.g usufruct, and usus) (also refer to Notarial Practice)
  • Negotiations for and with banks, estate agents, executors of deceased estates, and SARS
  • Processing of transfers of immovable properties in the Deeds Office.
  • Servitudes (also refer to Notarial Practice)
  • Tax advice, including CGT, donations tax, and transfer duty (also refer to Tax Law and Planning)
  • First time home buyer assistance, including the administration of subsidies such as FLISP

Tax Law

  • Capital gains tax
  • Dividends withholding tax
  • Donations Tax
  • Double taxation agreements
  • Engaging with SARS with regards to disputes, objections, rulings, settlements, and other matters
  • Estate duty
  • Estate planning: domestic and international (also refer to Estate Planning)
  • Income tax
  • Industry specific tax rules (also refer to Insurance and Financial Services Law)
  • International tax: inward and outward investment
  • Property transactions (also refer to Conveyancing and Property Law)
  • Securities transfer tax
  • Structuring and financing of acquisition transactions (also refer to Commercial and Corporate Law)
  • Tax litigation (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution)
  • Transfer duty (also refer to Conveyancing and Property Law)
  • Value-added tax

Insurance Law

  • Drafting of long-term and short-term insurance policies
  • Engaging with the FSB with regard to applications, complaints, licencing, and other matters
  • Insurance and offshore financial jurisdictions
  • Long-term insurance litigation (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution)
  • Reinsurance (local and foreign)
  • Regulatory advice to long-term insurers and short-term insurers
  • Short-term insurance litigation (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution)
  • Taxation of long-term insurers and short-term insurers (also refer to Tax Law and Planning)

Insolvency Law and Business Rescue Proceedings

  • Advice during business rescue proceedings, including to creditors
  • Advice during insolvency proceedings, including insolvency enquiries
  • Drafting and structuring of agreements and arrangements for maximum protection in the event of an insolvency
  • Instituting and opposing proceedings to commence business rescue, sequestration, and winding-up (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution)
  • National Credit Act, including applications for debt review
  • Secured interest arrangements (also refer to Commercial and Corporate Law)

Financial Services Law

  • Collective Investment Schemes
  • Engaging with the FSB with regard to applications, complaints, licencing, and other matters
  • FAIS Act and financial service providers
  • Financial services law litigation (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution)
  • Hedge funds
  • Insurance law (also refer to Insurance law)
  • Pension fund law
  • Offshore financial jurisdictions
  • Private equity
  • Public finance, including under the Public Finance Management Act, and the Municipal Finance Management Act
  • Regulatory advice to all institutions regulated by the FSB
  • Securities exchanges
  • Taxation of financial institutions (also refer to Tax Law and Planning)
  • Venture capital

Employment Law

  • Business transfers
  • Disciplinary procedures
  • Drafting and negotiation of employment contracts and other agreements.
  • Employment law litigation (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution)
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Negotiations with employees, employers, and labour unions

Consumer Protection Law

  • Advice on implications of the Consumer Protection Act in respect of various areas of business, including auctions, franchises, and leases
  • Advice to consumers and suppliers in disputes related to Consumer Protection Law
  • Drafting agreements, notices, and terms and conditions compliant with Consumer Protection Law
  • Due diligence investigations on compliance with Consumer Protection Law
  • Representation of consumers and suppliers in litigation related to Consumer Protection Law (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution)

Competition Law

  • Competition audits of business practices and procedures
  • Competition compliance policies
  • Competition law litigation (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution)
  • Education and training
  • Mergers, acquisitions, and competition law
  • Merger notifications and representation at merger hearings
  • Prohibited practices
  • Structuring of transactions in relation to competition law (also refer to Commercial and Corporate)

Commercial and Corporate Law

  • Acquisitions
  • Amalgamations and mergers (also refer to Competition Law)
  • Capitalisation of profit companies (also refer to Banking and Finance Law)
  • Commercial and corporate litigation (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution)
  • Commercial contracts, including partnerships and joint ventures
  • Commercial property contracts (also refer to Property Law)
  • Company administration and secretarial advice
  • Corporate governance
  • Dividends and taxation (also refer to Tax Law and Planning)
  • Due diligence investigations
  • Formation and dissolution of companies (also refer to Insolvency and Business Rescue Proceedings)
  • Listings and stock exchange law
  • Memoranda of incorporation and shareholders agreements
  • Mineral law
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Public offerings of securities
  • Schemes of arrangement

Banking and Finance Law

  • Banking litigation (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution)
  • Corporate finance and capital raising
  • Exchange control
  • Financing structures, including credit support and taxation
  • Listings and stock exchange law
  • National Credit Act
  • OTC derivatives, including ISDA documents
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Public finance, including under the Public Finance Management Act and the Municipal Finance Management Act
  • Regulatory advice to all institutions regulated by the FSB and SARB
  • Scrip lending arrangements, ISLA/GMSLA documents
  • Securitisation
  • Sharia law
  • Structured finance
  • Tax advice (also refer to Tax Law and Planning)

Administrative and Constitutional Law

  • Administrative and constitutional law advice
  • Administrative and constitutional law litigation (also refer to Litigation and Dispute Resolution)
  • Constitutional interpretation of legislation and regulations
  • Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA)
  • Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA)

Tamanda Dube

Candidate Attorney

Tamanda started as a Candidate Attorney at Walkers in 2022.


  • LLB, University of the Western Cape.

Shuaib Navsa


Shuaib started at Walkers as a Candidate Attorney in 2021. He was admitted as an Attorney and appointed as an Associate in 2023.



Asisipho Kozana


Asisipho started at Walkers as a Candidate Attorney in 2020. In 2022, she was admitted as Attorney, Notary and Conveyancer. She was appointed as an Associate in 2022.

Areas of expertise:

  • Property Law
  • Conveyancing
  • Notarial Practice


  • LLB, North-West University
  • Higher Certificate and a National Diploma in Management, Nelson Mandela University
  • Higher Certificate in project management and a national diploma in management and a semester exchange at Leiden University in 2019

Lerissa Rooplal


In 2018, Lerissa started her journey at Walkers as a Candidate Attorney. She was admitted as an attorney and notary in 2020 and conveyancer in 2021. She was appointed as an Associate in 2020.

Areas of expertise:

  • Property Law
  • Conveyancing
  • Notarial Practice


  • LLB, University of Stellenbosch

Tamlyn Swinny


Tamlyn practised law in KZN and was appointed Candidate Attorney in 2016. In April 2022, she joined Walkers as an Associate.

Areas of expertise:

  • General Litigation
  • Commercial Law


  • LLB and LLM (Business Law), University of KwaZulu-Natal

Natasha Louw


Natasha started as an Assistant in the Estate’s Department in 2006. In 2018, she was appointed as a Candidate Attorney and admitted as an Attorney in 2020. Later that year, she was appointed as an Associate - and in 2021, she became a Partner.

Areas of expertise:

  • Estate Planning and Administration
  • Estates Litigation
  • Curatorships
  • Trusts


  • LLB (cum laude), UNISA

Taryn Herbert


Taryn is an admitted Notary Public and has been with Walkers for more than 10 years. In 2011, she began as a Candidate Attorney. In 2012, she was admitted as an Attorney and in the same year, appointed as an Associate. Taryn became a Partner in 2016.

Areas of expertise:

  • Commercial Law
  • Trust Law
  • Curatorships


  • B BusSci, University of Cape Town
  • LLB at the University of Cape Town

Roxanne Ker


Roxanne started as a Candidate Attorney at Walkers in 2006. She was admitted as an Attorney in 2008 and appointed as a Partner in 2010.

Areas of expertise:

  • Family Law
  • Matrimonial Law
  • Competition Law


  • BA in Law & Psychology,  University of Cape Town
  • LLB, University of Cape Town

Amien Hoosain


Amien began his career at Walkers in 2004 and was admitted as an Attorney in 2006. He was then appointed as a Partner in 2008.

Areas of expertise:

  • Commercial Law
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Contract Law


  • BA LLB, University of Cape Town

Juna Phillips


Juna was admitted as an Attorney in 2002 and has been practising law ever since. A year later, in 2003, she was admitted as a Conveyancer and Notary Public. In 2019, she joined Walkers as a Partner.

Areas of expertise:

  • Property Law
  • Conveyancing 
  • Notarial Practice


  • B Proc (cum laude), University of South Africa

Jerome Veldsman


Jerome lectured for a year in the Commercial Law Department at the University of Stellenbosch. He was admitted as an attorney in 1991, followed by a two-year stint in Investment Banking. Jerome has practised Law in both Johannesburg and Cape Town, officially joining Walkers as a Partner in April 2012.

Areas of expertise:

  • Commercial, Financial and Tax law
  • Insurance and Investment Law


  • BComm, University of Stellenbosch
  • LLB, University of Stellenbosch

Gunnar Dahl

Chairman / Director

Gunnar has been with Walkers for over 30 years. He was appointed as an Article Clerk in 1985, admitted as an Attorney in 1987 and was appointed as a Partner in 1999. Gunnar also speaks German fluently and advises German-speaking clients on South African Law.

Areas of expertise:

  • Estate Planning and Administration
  • General Litigation
  • Curatorships
  • Trusts


  • BA Law, University of Cape Town
  • LLB, University of Cape Town